The latest traffic video analytics application software from Citilog is now available for purchase from CamCentral Systems Inc. to add onto existing AXIS Communications video surveillance solutions. These very advanced analytics software application tools work with existing AXIS Communications network video surveillance product solutions to increase safety and efficiency. Citilog software is used for many traffic management solutions around the world. The real time analysis of digital video surveillance footage to detect incidents and produce alerts makes the Citilog software applications very useful tools for managing large scale volumes of motor vehicle traffic. The Citilog software applications are compatible with video surveillance cameras produced by AXIS Communications.
The Citilog software application packages that are available cover a wide selection of traffic solution types.
Automatic Incident Detection
Traffic Data Collection
Intersection Control
Video Management
Automatic Incident Detection (AID) systems from Citilog provide a safer environment in hundreds of tunnels and bridges around the world. This software analyzes video footage in real time to detect incidents and provide real time alert reporting.
Citilog is a provider of intelligent real-time video monitoring for traffic and transportation security and safety that was purchased by AXIS Communications during February 2016. AXIS Communications is a worldwide video surveillance industry leader that provides excellent hardware and software products for a variety of industries. The combination of technology produces excellent video surveillance solutions that can detect traffic incidents and provide real time alerts.
Citilog offer onboard ACAPS exclusively for AXIS cameras, cloud-hosted SaaS, and central server solutions.

The videos below show examples of how the Citilog analytics software works with digital video surveillance. The video is analyzed in real-time with data collection and incident detection by the analytics software.
Contact CamCentral Systems Inc. to purchase Citilog application software for AXIS Communications products. Our experienced and AXIS certified technicians can assist you in choosing the very best hardware and software application available for your solution.